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Dental Crown

Close up 3D rendering of a dental crown being placed on a shaved down toothAt Damascus Family Dental, we offer some restorative treatments designed to prevent you from losing a tooth. One of the most common restorations we provide is known as a dental crown. A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that covers a significantly damaged or decayed tooth. You may need a crown to restore a tooth's size, shape, and appearance.

Reasons You May Need a Dental Crown

Dental crowns have a number of purposes. We may recommend a dental crown to:
•  Restore a broken or severely worn down tooth
•  Protect a weak tooth from breaking
•  Hold together the parts of a cracked tooth
•  Cover a severely misshaped tooth
•  Cover a severely discolored tooth
•  Make any other type of cosmetic modification
•  Cover a tooth that already has a large filling
•  Cover a tooth that does not have enough healthy tooth structure to support a filling
•  Cover a tooth that has undergone root canal treatment
•  Cover a dental implant post

Dental Crown Procedure

The dental crown procedure is usually broken up into two appointments, although same day crowns are also available. During your first appointment, Dr. Daniel Rodriguez will prepare the tooth by removing a large portion of the enamel (decayed and healthy). The tooth must be completely restructured to accommodate the shape of the dental crown. We may also need to build up the core of the tooth to provide additional support.

Once your tooth is in the proper shape, we will take an impression to create a 3D model. The model will be used to fabricate a precise and effective final crown. These days, most crowns are fabricated using porcelain or some other ceramic material. Porcelain possesses the same light-reflective properties as natural enamel, making it virtually indistinguishable from the rest of your teeth.

Other crown materials include silver (amalgam), gold, composite resin, zirconia, porcelain-fused-to-metal, and stainless steel. Regardless, the fabrication process generally takes a couple of weeks. In the meantime, we may provide you with a temporary restoration to protect the tooth.

Once your final crown is ready, we can schedule your second appointment. During the second appointment, Dr. Daniel Rodriguez will remove the temporary crown. Next, we will place the final crown over the tooth and check the margins. We may need to make some last-minute adjustments to achieve the proper fit. Once we are satisfied with the fit, we will permanently bond the crown to the enamel using special cement.

After You Receive a Dental Crown

A crown does not require any special treatment beyond a good oral hygiene regimen, and regular checkups and professional cleanings. However, there are certain things you can do to prevent potential damage. Avoid activities that put unnecessary stress on the restoration, such as biting your fingernails and chewing on pen caps.

You should also make sure you are brushing and flossing the area properly during your hygiene routine. An antibacterial mouth rinse can also reduce your risk of developing further decay. With the proper care and maintenance, your crown should last between five and 15 years. In some cases, it may even last several decades!

Schedule Your Appointment

If you have a significantly damaged or decayed tooth, you may need a dental crown! Call (971) 275-3442 to schedule your appointment today.
Damascus Family Dental in Damascus, OR
20360 SE Hwy 212
Damascus, OR 97089

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Dental Crown Damascus, OR | Damascus Family Dental - Dentist OR
At Damascus Family Dental, we offer restorative treatments designed to prevent you from losing a tooth. The most common restoration we provide is a dental crown.
Damascus Family Dental, 20360 SE Hwy 212, Damascus, OR 97089 • (971) 275-3442 • • 8/27/2024 • Page Keywords: dentist Damascus OR •